Clan MacLeod Society of Australia (South Australia) Inc.
References held by CMSSA
References and Articles held by Clan MacLeod Society of Australia
(South Australia) Inc.
The Highland Scots of South Australia, Professor Eric Richards, paper for the Historical Society of South Australia, No. 4, 1978 Journal.
'Australia's ‘Rent-A- Chief’ proposal'; The Committee of Fertile Minds. (Victoria CMS). December 2005 Newsletter
'Standing Stones, Glen Innes' (NSW), April 2002
'Mcleod Ganj' village in Himalayas for refugee Tibetans. Newspaper article copy. April 2002 Newsletter
'Nalang' and the Raasay MacLeods', first article by Tony Pope, copy from NSW Clan, June 2001
'Fin McLeod' :- New Zealand and Queensland shearer, and York Peninsula fisherman and hero; by Roslyn Paterson, Bute, S.A.News. June 2000
'The Highland Clearances', from the Scottish Banner, Newsletters December 1999 and February 2000
'Bendigo Goldfields Gathering', News, July 1999
'Historic MacLeod Cemetery, Jamestown, Tour report'. Gaelic Cemetery (Spalding) and McAskill's ‘White Hut Cemetery’ (Clare). Focus on the settlement of the 'MacLeods of Pabbay'. Newsletter December 1999. Update Aug 2002
'Memorandum on the MacLeods', by the late Jack McLeod after Chief's visit of 1991. Newsletter April 1999
'Angus McAskill, 7ft 9inches', from 'Some outstanding Canadian MacLeods', Arthur MacLeod Rogers. Newsletter No. 1997
‘Where to look’ Genealogy tips, October 1996

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